
moral degradation?

The issue on morality seems to be fading at present. In the US Supreme Court's decisions in Lawrence v Texas and Goodridge vs. Department of Public Health (440 Mass. 390 [2003]), the same- sex marriage has achieved its validity in the legal system. This cases has attracted debate not only in the government but on the international world. This time, the gay marriage and the lesbian marriage has been recognized in US.
While, unavoidably, reading the case, I tried to look into the wisdom of the court's decision. In the first case, the court held that people have their right to choose whom they wanted to get married to. The right to privacy was held to be prejudiced by the sodomy law which penalizes gays doing sexual acts with their male partner even if done in their private rooms. The definition of marriage has also been extended and at the same time limited to "a contract between two parties" regardless of gender. Furthermore, the moral basis of marriage was not considered. With these decisions of the courts, many rejoiced while some raised their eye brows.
In the Philippines, the presence of the gays and lesbians and same- sex relationship is rampant. The possibility of asking the Congress or court for their recognition is not far from reality. The question on morality will someday shatter us. But I believe it's nothing to be feared of. Our country has been institutionalized on moral values and it is not vulnerable to decay. Besides, the definition of marriage has been clearly laid down in our Civil Code and is limited only between a woman and a man, nothing more nothing less.
It is true that we have freedom, that what democracy entails. However, we are guided by the law of man, law of nature and Law of God. Nonetheless, as they say, man designs his own destiny and he has been gifted with free will. Morality is even hard to define, thus, going further would just lead to confusion. I just hope that we still live within the context of "life" :)


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